Switzerland, Italy to share data of terrorists

Are you a terrorist or have sympathy for any terror group, then don’t go to Switzerland. This because the Swiss authorities have said they have the right to share information about a Swiss citizen convicted for terrorist propaganda with their Italian counterpart in order to provide legal assistance. The Federal Criminal Court has so ruled, reports SwissInfo.
The Swiss man with Kurdish-Turkish heritage, who was sentenced to two years’ partial probation last year for spreading terrorist propaganda, had appealed against the release of his data to Italy, arguing that he cannot be convicted for the same crimes there.
But the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona on Monday dismissed the appeal and ruled that the disclosure of the information regarding his case was permissible since the Italian judiciary was primarily concerned with investigating other individuals in regards to suspected terrorist offences.
The 34-year-old was convicted for spreading propaganda for the Al-Nusra Front – the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda – primarily in southern Switzerland but also in northern Italy.
He also helped two men from Switzerland and Turkey enter the Syrian-Iraqi war zone in 2015. One of the men was killed there the same year.
Following the Federal Criminal Court’s ruling, Italy will receive copies of the man’s mobile phone and laptop data within the framework of mutual legal assistance.
The Swiss authorities will also pass on to the Italians the minutes of the interviews, the indictment and the Swiss verdict.