River Niger overflow: NEMA alerts 7 states , warns of imminent flooding


River Niger overflow: NEMA alerts 7 states , warns of imminent flooding

Sept 6, 2024

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) alerts some states in the North Central and Southern parts of the country of a possible overflow of the River Niger and Benue that could trigger flooding in riverine communities.

The states that are highly probable are Benue, Kogi, Anambra, Delta, Imo, Rivers, and Bayelsa.

A statement by NEMA released on Friday says the notice is to allow local governments and communities to take actions to mitigate the risk of flooding.

Some of the actions expected to be taken include immediately construction of temporary flood barriers, evacuating from flood plains to safe higher grounds, and avoiding crossing flooded areas.

The Agency advises communities to stay informed through weather updates and flood warnings from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) and the Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA).