Nigerian fan requests asylum in Russia

A football fan from Nigeria has reportedly requested political asylum in Russia, citing fears of political persecution in his home country.Human rights groups say it is difficult for asylum seekers to obtain refugee status in Russia, with only 582 people admitted as refugees in 2017, the lowest number in the past decade. Since the World Cup began, dozens of people who entered Russia using World Cup fan identity documents have attempted to enter neighboring European countries and request asylum.
The 31-year-old citizen of Nigeria arrived in Russia for the World Cup before asking police in the Perovo district of Moscow for political asylum, the RBC news agency reported, citing an unnamed police source.
Seeking asylum or using Russia as Launchpad to cross to other European nations has become one of the major highlights of the World Cup.
Persons from Africa and Asia especially have been caught at border points trying to enter other European nations with World Cup Fan documents.