New Emir of Kano, Ado Bayero, says ‘I have never lobbied for position’

A new Emir of Kano has emerged. He is Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, who was the former Emir of Bichi. The former Kano emir, Muhammadu Sanusi 11, has been whisked away from the palace by security operatives led by a Police Commissioner. He is now exiled in Nasarawa.
The new Emir is a Mass Communication graduate of Bayero University Kano.
In an interview he earlier granted The Guardian when he was appointed Emir of Bichi, he said: “Now, let me tell you this secret. Right from day one when I was appointed a traditional ruler till this period of my appointment as Emir of Bichi, I have never, and let me repeat, I have never gone to any person to look or seek for position and you can do your investigation. I have never gone to anybody to say, ‘please give me this title’. I don’t ask for positions; I believe anything that comes my way is from God.”
Speaking on his decision to accept the new position of Emir of Bichi, Bayero hinted that it had become pertinent to change with time, saying the world evolves over certain space and period. Although the first class emir acknowledged that he never wished that the Kano emirate would be split, he said he was consoled by the fact that the new emirates would no doubt promote the growth and development of Kano.
Bayero explained: “A lot has happened over times and years. We have had creations, re-creations and several reformations and this is not peculiar to Kano and even Nigeria as a country. I can say that it is this process of evolution that brought about the formation of the four new emirate councils by the government.”