Lions Club: Fortune Wagbatsoma takes Leadership as District Governor, 404A1 Nigeria, assures of her commitment to building on the great legacies
July 3, 2021
Lion Fortune Wagbatsoma has emerged the District Governor (DG) for the 2021/2022 Lions year which commenced on 1st July, 2021.
In her address, the DG assured the Lions family of her commitment to building on the great legacies of the club’s past leaders and to continue to take the district to greater heights.
She stated that the new district year will focus on enhancing the club’s service journey through building “BONDS OF KINDNESS”: the new theme championed by her emphasizes the value of strong partnerships and team effort within the clubs, zones, and communities.
According to her, the club can gain significant acceptance within the communities it serves by building alliances with local development groups, enterprises, state and local governments, cultural and social associations among many others.
“We have a great opportunity before us to conduct needs assessments working with active health and lifestyle groups in our communities. We equally can sign up partnerships with national and global NGOs and draw attention to specific needs within our communities”, she added.
Wagbatsoma noted that the club in Nigeria is blessed with people with diverse skills, cultural orientations, intellectual capacity and needs. “It is time to begin to see each of our clubs as a community that needs to utilize all her diverse talents in order to grow and strengthen our association”.
On the goals for the new Lions year, she said that the district will focus on improving member satisfaction through a team approach to new club development, member recruitment, retention, global service causes and leadership development; Seek out new local partnerships that addresses our 5 global causes and spread our impact to more beneficiaries; Support weak clubs through a well-defined sustainability plan and better community engagement and Invest in building a stronger brand.

While seeking the supports of all Lion’s and partners towards a productive, impactful and excellent 2021-2022 Lion’s Year, she noted that the district is open to ideas and innovations geared towards making this lions year impactful and fulfilling for all.
She explained that the 2021/2022 Lions year theme is depicted by a logo showing four interlocked pairs of royal blue and gold hands fastened together at the ends with four diamonds and having a gold circle in the center. “Each of the pairs of hands attests to our desire to see an emphasis on team work and alliances within our clubs and across communities”.
“The diamonds holding the hands together represents our commitment to knowledge, brilliance and faithfulness as the glue of our teams. The elements of royal blue and gold indicate that we count on the trustworthiness, capacity and diverse resources of all team players”.
Prior to becoming the District Governor, she had served on the team of the immediate past District Governor as the 1st Vice District Governor and overtime has served humanity in different capacities while a member of the club.
She is prepared to impact positively on the lives of Lions within the district and beyond and her willingness, drive and commitment to serve will no doubt strengthen the Lion’s Club in Nigeria and the world at large.