Corporate Dress Sense

With Annabelle Macford
It is a popular saying that how you dress, is how you will be addressed. Now, I think this applies generally to both the corporate world and the public. If the general public falls short in this area, it is completely unheard of for a corporate person to join in the spree. So many individuals (reckless, I dare say), have lost so many God-given opportunities because they have placed less value on their corporate dress sense.
Traditionally, corporate dress sense is required of those in specific positions, such as company executives, sales representatives and those in direct contact with customers and the public.
Businesses of all sizes typically adopt a dress code to help guide employee decisions related to proper appearance and attire for the work place. A company’s decision to propose and enforce a corporate dress sense often stems from a desire to create and maintain a particular image within the community and with customers.
The importance of a dress code for professionalism varies somewhat from company to company, but the correlation between the two is generally strong. Some companies prefer to allow employees to dress freely or casually for comfort. This works in creative work environment. However, companies which routinely interact with prospect clients and business partners typically need a dress code to maintain professional image. Small businesses may benefit by maintaining a strong corporate image.
I have had the opportunity to be in the corporate world for quite some time and it beats me to see a “job hunter” coming for an interview in a corporate environment dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Even if that individual has a first class from Harvard, the interviewer will never be pleased with him, that is if he hasn’t already received tons of embarrassments from the gatemen at the point of entry.
The advantages of having a good corporate dress sense are endless. It starts from home and goes down to the office. The way people in your neighbourhood perceive you (as a serious minded individual of course), same goes for family and friends. In the office, you are seen as one who is on top of his game. There’s this air of seriousness, confidence and professionalism around you that speaks louder than your polished diction could ever relay.
Choose professional colours like black, blue, brown, grey for official attire. Bright colours look out of place in corporates, light and subtle colours exude elegance and look best in offices. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. Hair should be neatly combed and kept short. Spike hairstyle looks good only in parties and informal get together. Females should band their hair, it gives a neat look. An overflowing hair, no matter how expensive and exotic, tends to portray a demeanour of nastiness. Below are a few tips:
Male Employees
- Male employees ideally should combine a simple shirt with trousers. Make sure the colours are well coordinated. Prefer a light colour shirt with a dark trouser and vice a versa. Do not wear designer shirts to work. Prefer plain cotton or linen wrinkle-free shirts in neutral colours.
- The shirt should be properly tucked into the trouser for the professional look. Prefer full sleeves shirts at workplace. Never roll up your sleeves.
- Silk ties look best on professionals. Don’t go for designer ties. The tie should neither be too short nor too long. The tip of the tie ideally should touch the bottom of the belt buckle. Slim ties are not meant for offices. Do not wear belts with flashy and broad buckles.
- Don’t wear shoes that make noise while walking. Prefer soft leather shoes in black or brown colour. Make sure your shoes are polished and laces properly tied. Never wear sports shoes or sneakers to work.
- Shave daily. Use a good after shave lotion and make sure your skin does not look dry and flaky.
- Body odour is a big turn off. One must always smell good in public. Use a mild perfume or deodorant.
Female Employees
- Females should not wear revealing clothes to work. Avoid wearing outfits which expose much of your body parts. Wear clothes which fit you best. Don’t wear too tight or loose clothes.
- Understand the basic difference between a party wear and office attire. Never wear low neck blouses to work. Blouses with deep back or noodle straps are a strict ‘no no’ at the workplace. Avoid transparent saris.
- Females who prefer western can opt for light coloured shirts with dark well fitted trousers. A scarf makes you look elegant.
- Never wear heavy jewelry to work. Avoid being a makeup box. Nude (light) make up does wonders. Nails should be trimmed and prefer natural shades for nail paint.
- Avoid wearing sharp pointed heels to work.
- The colour of the handbag must coordinate with the outfit.
- Eyebrow, naval, lip piercing must be avoided at the workplace.
I am certain that most of the corporate dress sense errors which we have been ignorant about will be addressed by you, my reader. I sincerely hope that the next time you walk into your office, you will not only get a nod of approval from your colleagues but you will gain more self-respect from your boss and business associates. Then you will agree with me that indeed it pays to look good.
See you next month.
- Macford is a corporate etiquette cum protocol expert.