Africa Centres for Excellence awaits NCC report on telecoms competition landscape 

Africa Centres for Excellence awaits NCC report on telecoms competition landscape 

Sept. 25, 2024

The Pervasive and Mobile
Computing Research Group (PMCRG), of Obafemi Awolowo University formally requests Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) to release findings of 2022 study on the telecommunications competition landscape in the country.

The specialised research unit of Africa Centre of Excellence (ACE) ICT-Driven Knowledge Park in the institution coordinated by Professor Adeniran Oluwaranti underscores PMCRG’s commitment to driving transparency and innovation in Nigeria’s rapidly evolving ICT sector.

NCC engaged the globally renowned consulting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), in 2022 to assess competition in the critical areas of collocation and infrastructure sharing (CIS) within the telecom industry and the non-disclosure of their findings has limited the support for academic research, policy formation, and industry-wide innovations and slowed progress in the telecom industry.

The research group expresses optimism that the findings when released will contribute significantly in improving regulatory frameworks and driving innovation in areas of 5G/6G networks, cybersecurity, and rural connectivity in Nigeria.