Contributory Pension one of the best initiatives in Nigeria – Prof. Olaopa

Contributory Pension one of the best initiatives in Nigeria – Prof. Olaopa


Prof Olaopa and others in a group photo

The Chairman Federal Civil Service Commission, Prof. Tunji Olaopa, has described the contributory Pension Scheme as one of the best reform initiatives in the country.

He urged that periodic impact assessment be conducted on the scheme to guard against unintended consequences on retirees.

Prof. Olaopa stated this in his office recently when he received delegates from the “Forum of Retired Federal Directors” led by its Chairman (Technical Team) Mr Oqua E. Eta on a courtesy visit.

Prof. Olaopa said he was aware of the challenges of the association, stressing that it was evident from various reforms initiated by the government that they were laudable and grand but impact assessments were necessary on a continuous basis to fine tune their impacts.

He recalled that when the Contributory Pension Scheme was being considered ,it was envisaged that issues would arise that would test the system; saying that there was no perfect model anywhere in the world as the model kept on evolving. He said the disparities between Contributory Pension Scheme and Defined Benefit and Gratuity Scheme was of concern.
Quoting section 171 (3) of the Constitution which says: “Pensions shall be reviewed every five years” Prof. Olaopa said the request of the Forum was constitutional and every support needed should be given to the organization to achieve their objectives.

He stated that those who retired under the contributory pension scheme should equally enjoy periodic review of their pensions like those under the defined benefits and gratuity scheme. He assured the team that he would study their request, profiling it and reducing it to useful notes to be considered with critical stakeholders so that the challenges raised by the Forum could be tackled head-on.
He promised to work with the Forum to harness their skills and professionalism as retired bureaucrats for the benefit of the service and further contributions to nation building.
He promised to involve the Forum when the need arises, urging its members to network with academic and professional institutions and organisations and government to avail it with its pool of expertise and administrative capabilities. He saluted the thoughtfulness of the retired directors for organizing the Forum.

Prof. Olaopa advised them to equally consider issues of mentorship, skills building, coaching and guidance in their agenda aside from welfare and pension matters, stressing that the Head of Service was playing a key leadership role in achieving this.

Flanked by the Hon. Commissioners, Olaopa reiterated his commitment to continue to engage with the retired Directors in examination processes. He said that the process, however ,will be deepened to strengthen it. According to him, their experiences were very invaluable to the process. He explained that the acceleration of mentorship programme for the Forum is critical as a lot of technical Committees were being set up that will need trans-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary knowledge of the Forum to be harnessed through their members.
Chairman Olaopa explained that he was very happy that the Forum was established as it was a veritable platform to strengthen the link among the Forum, the service and various public administration and management associations including National Association for Public Administration and Management (NAPAM) in order to further engender mutual flow of technical knowledge; and also, to deepen existing relationships.
Prof. Olaopa assured the Forum that his doors would always be open to them whenever they needed his assistance and support.
Speaking earlier, the Chairman of the Forum, Mr Oqua. E. Eta, congratulated the Hon. Chairman for his well-deserved appointment saying that their visit was to enlist his support in seeking redress for the injustices retirees on the contributory Pension Scheme were currently experiencing .

According to him, the efforts of the Forum were not intended to benefit themselves alone but succeeding generations of civil servants, noting that as more directors retired they would be joining their ranks. He stated that those retired under the Contributory Pension Scheme which came into effect in 2007 and those under the preceding Defined Benefit Scheme were not equally treated. He added that those under Contributory Pension Scheme had not received the required periodic review and increases following several reviews and increases in salaries and wages .

He disclosed that most retirees had stagnated on the same pension payments for upwards of more than 10 years in spite of inflation, rising costs of living, medicare ,housing and transportation. He further disclosed that Contributory Pensioners were excluded from all the four revisions of salaries carried out by government.

“There was one of 15 per cent in 2007. We were excluded. There was one of 33 per cent in 2010. We were excluded. Another one in 2020, Consequential adjustment of minimum wage. Also in 2019, we were excluded. Then the present one which salaries and wages commission issued circular, that is 28 per cent increment in 2024. We have been excluded”.

He disclosed that recently the National Pension Commission issued a circular that were copied to various concerned government organisations particularly, the Federal Ministry of Finance to meet their demands. But all to no avail. The Forum Chairman said they believed that with huge support from the Federal Civil Service Commission for their cause, the pension challenge could be overcome.

He explained that many of their members retired into penury. Many have no house or car of their own; while others looked wretched. He further explained that some have children in schools but could not train them; and others with graduate-children that were jobless and others with health challenges. He, therefore, pleaded with Prof. Olaopa to lend his voice to their struggles in other for them to achieve their objectives.

In her comment, a member of the Forum, Mrs. Fatima Jiddum Ahmed, said apart from Pension and welfare issues, service matters were also important to the Forum. According to her, the Forum has a pool of knowledgeable retired Directors with different professions in its fold. She stated that many of the retirees were retired quite alright but they were not tired. She emphasized that the group have a lot they can still contribute to the country if given the opportunity.

She disclosed that the present organization’s interim Executives came on board immediately after the Forum was established in 2019. According to her, the Forum was registered on the 24th August, 2020.