European country where employees are most highly valued: Find out where and why

European country where employees are most highly valued: Find out where and why


Swiss flag

Despite stress, employees in Switzerland are better off than employees elsewhere in Europe. This is the result of a survey published on Tuesday. Just under one in four people in Switzerland feel that their safety or health is at risk at work.

According to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO ) 23% of Swiss employees were in this situation. The European figure is 34%.

Fewer employees in Switzerland reported strain on their musculoskeletal system than in Europe. However, more Swiss than European employees complained about a comparatively high pace of work and work during leisure time.

On the other hand, more than half of the Swiss rated career opportunities, freedom to make decisions and support from superiors positively. These values were higher than in Europe.

SECO and the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety took part in the European Working Conditions Survey for the third time. In Switzerland, 1,224 employed persons were surveyed.